Since my little tumble I've not been back on my bike, so I'm hoping that the combination of body balance, Pilates and the odd bit of swimming will have helped.
At the floating wholesale market each boat advertises what they have for sale by tying some to a long bambo pole and hoisting it above the boat!
All around the organic gardens are bursting with flowers
It's always an early start to the day on cycling adventures, but thankfully Vietnamese breakfasts make getting up early worth. With all the tropical fruit on offer it's easy to get my 5-a-day!
And I'm quite fond of stir fried vegetables and chicken noodles at this time of the day too.
Cycling for one is quite a luxury because I get a cycling guide and driver all to myself. Let me introduce the team
Tan my guide and Tuhn the driver. And down below the bikes all fitted out and ready to go.
Well we were until I spotted dragons - of the leafy kind - they were huge, the place was filled with them all ready for delivery.
Cycling the Mekong Delta is a little different. There's no roads to speak of, so we're using the many lanes and by-ways that cross the region and of course we had to
use the many bridges that connect the land. This one is fairly substantial compared to some of the rickety bamboo affairs I spotted, but thankfully didn't have to peddle across.
The mighty Mekong brings rich soil deposits down to the Delta, so the surrounding land is lush and, if you'll forgive the terrible pun, fruitful.
The area we cycled today is known for its huge Jack fruits.
Don't you just love the shape and line of this? No idea what it is, but knowing the Vietnamese I bet they eat it...
We stop to sample local produce as we go. Tan's favourite is the custard apple, which tastes more like pear to my mind. The bright red ones are mountain apples and at the top a pile of different types of mango.
Everything is transported by boat.
At the floating wholesale market each boat advertises what they have for sale by tying some to a long bambo pole and hoisting it above the boat!
The land shops operate both sides, to cater for land and river customers.
Finally, after 30 km we reached my hotel, Mekong Riverside Boutique Resort and Spa. This is the view as I sip my welcome lemon grass and honey tea; a bit of a perculiar combination.
Pretty table flowers.
India was all about the doors, maybe this Vietnam trip will be ceilings?
See the long poles? Fishing bambo rods. Don't think that's for me...
All the rooms are little houses on stilts over the water lily lake
This is mine, no.5
I love the blossoms on my towels and see the present on my pillow?
Much nicer than a chocolate!
All around the organic gardens are bursting with flowers
and my Monday night swim was just devine!