Saturday, 23 May 2015

An evening stroll

Trying to cross the road in Vietnam is taking your life in your own hands.  The only advice I'll give you is look assertive and don't hesitate!

Scooters are everywhere and I think there is an unofficial competition to see how much anyone person can pack onto a bike or who can transport the weirdest thing.  Having said this, the two goats we saw on the back of a bike up in the Highlands looked pretty relaxed and happy :-)

The guy on the left had obviously just bought a tree whilst the two bikes in the ride were family affairs.

Need a new table but don't want to pay for delivery, no problem! 

Now I know this isn't actually on the bike, but I am going to count it because of the sheer amount of stuff onboard and skill demonstrated driving one handed!

 All those bikes need to park somewhere, 

and on the street isn't allowed - unlike the pedestrians.

This lady has a considerable amount on her bycicle, but it isn't by far the largest amount I've seen.

 Tuc-tucs are pedal driven in this town,

Whilst adapted bikes are very common.  Mobile eating is very Vietnamese.

 And this lady is sticking to the tried and tested traditional method.  This is a Vietnamese pop-up cafe.  If you want something to eat, she will down kitchen and start cooking for you!

This is the other form of pop-up cafe, just spread out along any bit of convenient pavement. I just love the fact grown-ups sit at children's tables and chairs, without any embarrassment.


No evening stolll is complete without investigating the night market.  I just love poking around to see what I can find.  

I would love to know what is wrapped in the banana leaves!

Need to get your shopping done fast?  No need to get off your bike, just wiz on through.

The fruit stalls are always a delight,

Rambutans and lychees 

And the first person who correctly identifies this fruit can have one brought over for them ;-)

The walk back was along the sea front as the sun went down.

I had spied these strange little chairs earlier in a shop and took them for some kind of highchair.  Obviously not, it's either for a very small driver or for parking the kid as you and the rest of the family climb onboard.

These beach side workout stations seem to be well used because you don't see any fat Vietnamese....

but these guys are hellbent on winning at checkers.  

Dinner was at The Lantern, a food cooperative and really good too. I had chicken and vegetables cooked and served in a coconut.

One last trip around another nightmarket, but this one was too touristy for us travellers

but I know three little girls who would think this stall was heaven!

This little chappie wasn't for sale, but as he was so cute I snapped him anyway. So tiny I could have popped him in my handbag.

1 comment:

  1. The fruit in question is a Durian and no I would not like one!!Like to see you get one on the plane back though.
