Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Good morning!

Fortunately the flight is only half full which means that a block of three seats makes the perfect sofa bed for me.  Have used all the pillows and blankets, stretched out taking it easy, so far two films watched, one book started and lots of hand sewing done ( oh, come on, you can't be surprised!) one dinner, two snacks and now breakfast eaten.  When I want something I just ring a bell.  A girl could get used to this.

Actually it is only 10.30pm UK time, but here onboard MH003 it's breakfast time; we have been flying 11 hours and there's another couple left to go.

As per usual, I am keeping up my Princess status and having breakfast in bed....

This morning it is shrimp sambal (?) with coconut rice, fresh fruit and yoghurt with a croissant.  No coffee yet though as it's a little bumpy out there. 
Next stop Kuala Lumpur and a few hours stop over and a change of plane before heading off up Siem Reap, Cambodia.  Just looked at the onboard map, until now I hadn't realised just how far I had come; in every sense of the word.  My, how Ken would be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a strange mixture for breakfast! Beats boring old shreddies.
