Wednesday, 10 February 2016


It is noticeably warmer this further south, so I think we are going to be in for a hot couple of weeks cycling.  As we weren't t due to meet the rest of the Exodus cycling group until lunchtime we went off to explore the local market, which is a world away from that offered when we have a guide!

It was full of hustle and bustle with lots and lots of small stalls and handbarrows lining the road side.  The old lady with a tray of oranges for sale in her head wouldn't even have looked odd if she started to juggle!

We just browsed the stall, fending off entireties to purchase, until we found a fabric stall.....and then realised there was a whole street of such shops.  Cue rapid crossing of the road!

We ended up buying several sari lengths (6m) long which will make excellent dress fabrics. And then we end upstairs inspecting scarves.  Just can't resist a lovely scarf can you? Besides which it would be rude not to after they had pulled them all out.

All that fabric shopping left us running back to the hotel to make the meeting in the lobby, phew, just made it.  Here's our guide for the next two weeks, Joseph 

And he is helped by Rintu

and bringing up the rear with the supplies and suitcases is Mannesh.

There are 12 of us altogether, so quite a good round number.

After brief introductions what better way to start a holiday and new friendships is to go for lunch.  So that we did.  As with all local guides they get to know the restaurants and not always to obvious touristy ones.  They don't always look flash, but you are always made to feel welcome.  Joseph had ordered everyone thali, a little taste of lots of things.  And I managed not to eat desert with my mains this time...

The walk after lunch took us back through the market.  Aren't these piles of coloured paints just wonderful. Bizarrely this will be thrown about next month in a festival of colours... But for now they are delightful mounds of colourful loveliness.

But then so are all the flower garlands,

Piles of vegetables and

Fruits.  See that purple flower bud in the middle row.  Well that is banana flowers and they are eaten sliced and fried.  Not tried them yet, give me time!

I just love all this kitchenware,  

Terry would only let me by a couple of tiffin cans, but I might have to sneak a roti pan in too.

Pots, pots, pots.  Mostly for carrying water in.

This time it's tinware. Love all that too...

Here is our mode of transport for the next two weeks.....Specialized crosstails.  Guess who has the smallest bike?

If we brought our own bike bits - saddle, pedals etc now was the time to have them fitted and then a quick test ride to make sure they are okay for the first day of cycling tomorrow.

Pretty hot now, so my new roommate, Debs, and I went for a cooling rooftop swim before we all went to promenade in the Marahaja's Palace gardens.  

For one hour on a Sunday the Palace is light up.  Gaudy but quite spectacular, it attracts people from far and wide. A band plays music whilst everyone walks up and down and when the lights went off we new it was time to go and sample some more Indian cuisine.

Even the horse and carriage gets the light treatment too...

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